Toggle navigation  HOME LIFE > FAITH LIFE Nana Asma’u: A woman of knowledge in Africa 316 days ago 690 views  Ameera Abid Feminism, gender equality, and woman empowerment all seem like phenomenon of the modern world. However, if you are to dive deeper in Islamic history you will come across influential Muslim women in all phases of history in all the different ranks. You will find women who were warriors, leaders, scholars, advisors who worked together with men to give us the lives we are living today. Throughout our education we are taught about some of the prominent figures in Islam, such as the four rightly guided Caliphs and the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Today, I would like to shed light on a very important woman who you probably never heard of, Nana Asma’u. This woman was the daughter of the founder of theSokoto Caliphate, Usman Dan Fodio, in Nigeria. She was a poet, teacher, and a princess. She devoted her life to educating the women of h...
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