The agenda of president buhari

We acknowledge the pains you face and are
concerned about them.
There are a multitude of things that require
decisive action. We are taking action and in due
course they will produce satisfying outcomes.
Our determination is firm and unrelenting.
Consequently, I am pleased to share President
Muhammadu Buhari's strategic implementation
plan for the 2016 budget.
This Strategic Implementation Plan articulates 6
thematic Strategies and 33 priority actions which
will constitute the short-term priority of the
Federal Government over the next 12 months.
1. Lasting Changes in the Policies, National
Security and Governance.
● Achieve an Appropriate Foreign Exchange
● Increase low interest lending to the Real
Sector. We will need to move toward a single
digit interest rate.
● Maintain Capital Spending in the Budget at a
minimum of 30%. Complement this with funds
from the Infrastructure Fund for commercial
● Intensify the Implementation of Public
Financial Management Reforms to Grow
Revenues and Cut Costs.
● Maintain Sustainable Debt Management
● Introduce Fiscal Incentives to Improve
● Intensify the Fight Against Corruption by
increasing Transparency, Accountability and
Compliance with Law and Order
● Intensify Public Procurement Reforms in
Projects to obtain Value for Money and cut
● Sustain the Fight Against Insurgency,
Kidnapping and Other Violent Crimes, Terrorism,
Cyber-Crimes, Piracy, Oil Theft and Illegal Mining
Intensify the reorientation of the populace
through Integrity Campaigns
2. Diversify the Economy by Fast-tracking
Industrialization, Agriculture and Agro-Allied
Processing, as well as attracting investment into
the Solid Minerals, Tourism and Entertainment
● Implement Measures to Achieve Self-Sufficienc
y & Become Net Exporters of certain agricultural
Tomato Paste-2016,
Increase local production of maize, soya, poultry
& livestock, so as to achieve self-sufficiency:
deadlines to be announced in due course.
● Revitalize and Expand Agro-Allied Processing
to intensify local production and processing of
cassava, cocoa, cashew, fruits and sesame seed
● Utilize 5,000 hectares of Irrigable Land in the
12 River Basin Development Authorities and
utilize 22 Dams for Commercial Farming
activities by prospective investors
● Develop Dadinkowa, Gurara and Oyan dams
with 82.5 MW capacity contribution to the
National Grid.
● Adopt and Implement a Roadmap to Stimulate
Investment into the Solid Minerals sector, and
plug Revenue Leakages in the Sector
● Implement the National Industrial Revolution
Plan and Launch the ‘Made in Nigeria’ Campaign
● Increase Manufacturing Capacity through the
operationalization of Industrial Parks, Free and
Export Processing Zones, etc.
● Enhance support facilities to provide increased
financial, technical assistance, networking and
information to new investors and existing
● Implement the Roadmap to Increase Private
Sector Investment in Culture, Tourism,
Entertainment and Sports
● Create high-technology innovation hubs to
support growth in the Digital and Technology
3. Priortize critical Infrastructure, focused on
increasing investment in Power, Rail and Roads,
● Optimize the 7,000MW installed capacity and
ensure associated infrastructure to Fuel,
Transmit and Distribute this capacity.
● Ensure Tariff includes all costs of
Transmission, Generation and Gas at new price,
and Distribution Company costs required to
operate, maintain and upgrade distribution
● Resolve all Issues on Gas Pricing, Tariffs and
Payment Assurance. Conclude Roadmap on Gas
● Complete the Kaduna-Abuja and Ajaokuta-Warri
Rail Lines scheduled for 2016; commence the
construction of the Lagos-Kano standard gauge
Line; and finalize negotiations for the Calabar-
Lagos Rail Project.
● Undertake the rehabilitation and construction
of 31 major Road Projects scheduled for 2016 to
restore degraded sections of the Federal
Highways network and to Establish Connectivity
over a distance of 2,193km (through public
works projects, maintenance works, PPP and
other interventions)
● Complete the Rehabilitation of 4 Airports (i.e.
Abuja, Kano, Lagos and Port Harcourt..
4. Oil and Gas Reforms
● Adopt & Execute a Comprehensive National Oil
& Gas Master-Plan (‘NOGM’) as the roadmap for
the Petroleum Industry’s Development,
Diversification, Privatization & Governance. Adopt
& Execute a Roadmap of Gas Development &
Flare Elimination
● Set a deadline to be Self-Sufficient in Refined
Petroleum Products & become a Net Exporter
● Work with the National Assembly on the
passage of a Revised Petroleum Industry Bill
(‘PIB’) or Bills to give effect to the NOGM & to
resolve Fiscal & Governance Issues of the
Sector, & Eliminate Gas Flaring.
● Conclude negotiations to deal with all funding
gap issues in the Upstream Sector
5. Ease of Doing Business
● Move 20 places up global Ease of Doing
Business Rankings, by implementing fast track
measures for business approvals, acquisition of
land titles, etc. (Nigeria is currently ranked 169
out of 189 countries by the World Bank – 2015
● Fast-track visa application and issuance
6. Social Investment
● Implement Social Intervention Programme and
specific Health / Education projects included in
2016 Budget
● Health Sector Interventions including Flagging
off the Revitalization of 1 Primary Health Centre
per Ward (a total of 10,000 nationwide)
The Social Investment plans include the
● Train and deploy 500,000 unemployed
graduates as volunteer teachers who would be
paid on the job while they seek jobs in their
chosen careers.
● Homegrown School Feeding for primary school
pupils across the country paid for by the
● Micro-credit scheme that provides very soft
loans to a million market women, artisans,
● Creating innovation and technology hubs/ parks
on a large scale and skills acquisition &
vocational training for over 300,000 non-graduate
● Conditional Cash Transfer where one million
poor and vulnerable Nigerians would receive
N5000 monthly
● Bursary awards for tertiary education students
of Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths,
President Muhammadu Buhari's administration
remains committed to economic diversification
through import substitution and export
In addition to this, we will continue engaging the
Nigerian people. We eill resume Town-hall
meetings to explain the progress and address the
Together, Nigeria will prevail.


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