In revamping primary education i sided with Elrufa'i.


Of all the issues on the policy table, education is perhaps the domain allowing the smallest margin of error.

Decisions taken today will have consequences that persist for decades and cannot be reversed.

Universal and high-quality primary education will provide the foundations for all the initiatives related to production, productivity and employment to achieve success.

Its absence will undermine the effectiveness of all these.

On this score, the country's record is not great.

While almost universal enrollment in primary school is certainly an achievement, it appears to be coming with a significant trade-off in quality.

Most importantly, there is a significant drop-off in enrollment in secondary school, suggesting, among other things, inadequate preparation at the primary stage.

The last thing the country needs in a globalising and technologically advancing international business environment is a poorly educated workforce.
Standard of education will continue to failed when teaching profession job turned to a job for the hopeless, and wives of top politicians and government functionaries who only specialized in selling their wares and monthly money contributions instead of academic activities.

You don't necessarily need atomic bombs to destroy a nation. Politicians who value their pockets than the life of citizens always do that every day.

There is a saying "If you want to destroy any country,you need to reduce the quality of their education, and Let students cheat" students cheat because of quality of teachers who impacted the required knowledge to them.

A total revamping of the State's primary school education was badly needed to improve the quality of education in the fast changing technological age, schools should be made attractive and students friendly so as to improve the quality of education.

Kudos to Nasir ahmed Elrufa'i for standing firmed in the course of  revamping the standard of education in Kaduna state amidst attacks from all angles. We are hoping that you'll replicate same to the whole nation when you assumed the mantle of presidency come 2023.

Nasiru Mustapha Mafindi wrote this piece from jalingo TARABA state . he can be reach on 08033213227.


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